Course Curriculum

    1. Download chapter 1 outline

    2. Part 1 - Introduction and Objectives

    3. Part 2 - Pharmacokinetics

    4. Part 3 - Pharmacodynamics

    5. Part 4 - Medication Routes

    6. Chapter 1 Quiz

    1. Download chapter 2 outline

    2. Medication reference cards download

    3. Part 1: Cardiovascular Medications

    4. Amiodarone

    5. Lidocaine

    6. Magnesium Sulfate

    7. Beta-Blockers

    8. Calcium Channel Blockers

    9. Nitroglycerine

    10. Nitroprusside

    11. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors

    12. Epinephrine

    13. Norepinephrine

    14. Dopamine

    15. Dobutamine

    16. Milrinone

    17. Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA)

    18. Heparin

    19. Part 2: Sedation and Paralytic Medications

    20. Benzodiazepines

    21. Propofol

    22. Ketamine

    23. Opiates

    24. Paralytics

    25. Part 3: Central Nervous System Medications

    26. Anticonvulsants

    27. Mannitol

    28. Corticosteroids

    29. Part 4: TPN/Insulin/Electrolytes

    30. Total Parenteral Nutrition

    31. Insulin

    32. Potassium Chloride

    33. Part 5: Obstetric Medications

    34. Magnesium Sulfate

    35. Oxytocin

    36. Part 6: Antimicrobial Medications

    37. Antibiotics and Antivirals

    38. Antifungals

    39. Part 7: Pain Control Medications

    40. Opiates

    41. PCA and Subcutaneous Pumps

    42. Antidote Medications

    43. N-Acetyl Cysteine

    44. Cyanokit

    45. Thiamine

    46. Sodium Bicarbonate

    47. Pyridoxine

    48. Glucagon

    49. Intralipid

    50. Part 8: Gastrointestinal Medications

    51. Acid Reduction

    52. Octreotide

    53. Chapter 2 Quiz

    1. Download chapter 3 outline

    2. Part 1 - Introduction and Objectives

    3. Part 2 - Infusion pump overview

    4. Volume Based Infusion Pumps

    5. Specialty Infusion Pumps

    6. Infusion Pumps by Mechanism

    7. Part 3 - Safety Concerns

    8. Part 5 - Sigma Spectrum Infusion Pump Tutorial

    9. Part 6 - Medfusion 3500 Syringe Pump Tutorial

    10. Infusion Pump Manuals

    11. Chapter 3 Quiz

    1. Download chapter 4 outline

    2. Part 1 - Introduction and Objectives

    3. Part 2 - Basic Hematology

    4. Basic Hematology

    5. Part 3 - Blood Product Types

    6. Blood Product Overview

    7. Whole Blood

    8. Packed Red Blood Cells

    9. Platelets

    10. Fresh Frozen Plasma

    11. Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC)

    12. Cryoprecipitate

    13. Albumin

    14. Plasma Protein Fractions

    15. Synthetic Blood Substitutes

    16. Tranexamic Acid (TXA)

    17. Part 4 - Blood Product Administration

    18. Blood Product Administration Protocol Overview (Region 6)

    19. Flushing Blood Tubing and Hanging Blood Products

    20. Part 5 - Transfusion Reactions

    21. Allergic Reactions

    22. Febrile Non-Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions

    23. Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions

    24. Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)

    25. Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload (TACO)

    26. Hypocalcemia

    27. Hyperkalemia

    28. Hypokalemia

    29. Hypothermia

    30. Coagulopathy

    31. Transfusion-Associated Graft-Versus-Host Disease

    32. Bacterial Contamination

    33. Chapter 4 Quiz

    1. Download chapter 5 outline

    2. Part 1 - Introduction and Objectives

    3. Chest Drainage Unit Manual Downloads

    4. Part 2 - Chest Tube Physiology

    5. Part 3 - Chest Tube Dressings

    6. Subcutaneous Emphysema

    7. Part 4 - Chest Drainage Unit

    8. Chest Drainage Unit Setup and Maintenance

    9. Chapter 5 Quiz

    1. Download chapter 6 outline

    2. Part 1 - Mechanical Ventilation 101

    3. Part 2 - LTV 1200 Operations

    4. Part 3 - LTV 1200 Tutorial

    5. LTV 1200 Operators Manual Download

    6. Chapter 6 Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 131 lessons
  • 10 hours

Course Instructor

Nicholas McManus, DO FAAEM

Emergency Physician, Lake Michigan Emergency Specialists - Assistant Medical Director, Muskegon County Medical Control Authority - Clinical Faculty, Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine and the West Michigan Emergency Medicine Residency - EMS Track Director, West Michigan Emergency Medicine Residency